I have given several talks on the Hive on Spark project:
- ApacheCon 2015: Hive Now Sparks (Link)
- Spark Summit East 2015: Power Hive with Spark (co-presenter) (Link, Video)
- Hadoop Summit 2015: Empower Hive with Spark (co-presenter) (Slide, Video)
I have also given a talk on the RecordService project:
- Strata + HadoopWorld 2015 Simplifying Hadoop: RecordService, a secure and unified data access path for compute frameworks (co-presenter) (Link, Slide, Video)
Tiger Compiler
While reading the Modern Compiler Implementation in ML, I wrote the compiler as part of the exercise. I had lots of fun during the process, and I especially enjoyed writing code with SML. It’s a shame that it hasn’t gained much popularity outside academic. The project is still ongoing, and is hosted here.