This course is super great. I highly recommend it to new Haskellers.
Recently I am following an introductory course for Haskell: CIS 194 1 at UPenn. While doing the assignments, I came up with this problem: define foldl using foldr.
After spent about half an hour trying to figure this out, I was left frustrated. Then, I searched on Haskell wiki and found the answer, which is this small piece of code:
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
foldl f a bs =
foldr (\b g x -> g (f x b)) id bs a
How to interpret this code? Let’s run a small example with the code. For brevity, we denote the function (\b g x -> g (f x b))
with w
in below:
foldl (+) 0 [1,2,3] =>
(w 1 (w 2 (w 3 id))) 0 =>
(w 1 (w 2 ((\b g x -> g (f x b)) 3 id))) 0 =>
(w 1 (w 2 (\x -> id ((+) x 3)))) 0 =>
(w 1 (w 2 (\x -> (+) x 3))) 0 =>
(w 1 ((\b g x -> g (f x b)) 2 (\y -> (+) y 3))) 0 =>
(w 1 (\x (\y -> (+) y 3) ((+) x 2))) 0 =>
(w 1 (\x ((+) ((+) x 2) 3))) 0 =>
((\b g x -> g (f x b)) (\y ((+) ((+) y 2) 3)) 1) 0 =>
(\x (\y ((+) ((+) y 2) 3)) ((+) x 1)) 0 =>
(\x ((+) ((+) ((+) x 1) 2) 3)) 0 =>
((+) ((+) ((+) 0 1) 2) 3) =>
((+) ((+) 1 2) 3) =>
((+) 3 3) =>
Magical, isn’t it?
In my opinion, the key here is g
, which “saves” the results from foldr
and insert them as argument for function f
, so that they will be used in reverse order.
This course is super great. I highly recommend it to new Haskellers. ↩